Wicker Kittens Panel

Wicker Kittens Panel

If you’re wondering what a “Wicker Kitten” is, you probably haven’t seen the 2014 documentary of the same name about competitive jigsaw puzzling. It’s available to stream online at altavod.com for a fee. Although, you don’t have to see the movie to check out this awesome night of jigsaw talk.

It should be a very entertaining evening and we’ll be:
– Showing clips from the documentary
– Visiting with many of the competitive puzzlers featured in the film
– Meeting former St. Paul Winter Carnival puzzle contest organizer Monika Kopet
– Talking to filmmaker Mike Scholtz
– Going  into breakout rooms so everyone gets the chance to chat
– Drawing names for a few, free door prizes thanks to some gifts from puzzle sponsors

It’s a free event for USAJPA members, so if you haven’t joined yet, go to our Member Planet site. It’s only $15 for a year-long membership. Otherwise, you can register for the event here and pay $5 to get the Zoom link and join us for the evening.
